September 1-6, 2025
Be a part of it!
on Labor Day
For over 88 years, Labor Day week brings members and friends of our community together to celebrate the successes of the previous year. And what better place than the fair to bring together farms and families for fun! Join us for this week long celebration and in whatever capacity you can, too...
Be a part of it!
Ladies & gentlemen...
we have a winner!!!
At the 2023 Waterford Community Fair, 13-year-old Madison Link of Waterford took First Place in the Homemade Chocolate Cake Contest, making her eligible to enter the 2024 PA Farm Show competition in January.
Madison and her family traveled to Harrisburg the day before judging with two sets of base cakes, just in case – which turned out to be a good idea – one set got squished by water bottles in the car. Madison, then made the from scratch frosting and ganache in a hotel room and assembled the cake for submission.
At the Farm Show, the made from scratch layered chocolate cakes were judged on flavor, texture, inside characteristics, outside characteristics, and frosting. Of the 79 cakes entered in the competition it was the taste of Madison’s cake that put her on top! Along with a First Place Blue Ribbon, Madison was also awarded a cash premium of $500!
Named “J’s Slice of Heaven Cake” Madison describes her cake as a “normal classic chocolate cake” with a peanut butter buttercream frosting. When asked how she came up with the name, Madison responded with “My nickname is ‘J’ and a friend said the cake was a slice of heaven.”
If you'd like your own "slice of heaven" here's the recipe!

On behalf of Madison Link, Waterford Fair President, John Burawa receives an engraved award plaque from PA Department of Agriculture, Fair Fund Administrator Tracy Barone commemorating her winning entry!
If you are an outgoing teenager with an active interest in community involvement and take a special
pride in the annual Waterford Community Fair, then we are looking for you! Waterford Community
Junior Fair Board members will have the opportunity to learn about the fair and the fair industry while
being involved with an amazing group of like-minded youth working to make our fair better each year.
The Waterford Community Junior Fair Board is made up of High School students from Erie and
Crawford County. Applications are due by February 28th.

2pm - Close
Tuesday thru Friday
5pm - Close
Noon - Close

Exhibit Registration
13012 US-19
PO Box 498
Waterford, PA 16441
Download Entry Forms
$4.00 admission per person
Children 8 and under - FREE
$8.00 Weekly Admission
Fair BOOSTER Buttons Available

Join Us!

E.L. Heard & Son,
Finck Tire,
Jake's on the Park,
The Waterford Hotel,
NAPA (Waterford, Union City, Corry)
Linda Falconer or any
Waterford Fair Director
Enjoy a pictorial offering of our fair!
(unmute the video for background music)
Something for everyone, of every age,
on every day!

Homeshow & Livestock Exhibits

Please review the content of our web site prior to submitting a question.
Most are answered in our content. Response times vary as our email is checked daily.
Replies may be longer during fair week as we have limited on-site internet access.