Take time to break away from urban concrete and city lights.
Take time to smell the freshest country air. Join us and take time to treat your family to good, wholesome, down-home fun!
Exhibits, Entries & Forms
* * BACK IN 2022 * *
Due to the anticipated high volume of entries and, in an effort to make the registration process a more enjoyable experience, this year the fair has designated
Entry Day:
· Less traffic and congestion at entry stations
· No admission required to register or enter exhibit
· Enjoy the Labor Day holiday at the fair with family and friends
· Fair attendees will have an earlier opportunity to view entries.
Individuals wishing to enter exhibits for judging and premium consideration can do so on the exhibit registration day from 9:00am to 8:00pm. On arrival, please visit the entry desk in Home Show Building #1 to receive entry tickets for those items you wish to exhibit.
In an effort to increase the efficiency of the exhibit registration process, PRE-REGISTRATION is encouraged wherever possible, and required for all livestock entries (with the exception of rabbits).
In ALL cases, each exhibitor is assigned an EXHIBITOR NUMBER. If you've entered an exhibit in previous years at the Waterford Fair, your exhibitor number is already assigned. For new exhibitors, an exhibitor number must be assigned prior to registering or entering your exhibit. New exhibitor numbers are assigned at the registration table when entering your exhibit or can be obtained in advance by contacting:
Entries Chairman:
Nadine Merry - 814-796-4012
In the case of livestock, ALL ENTRIES MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED using the blank livestock entry forms supplied in the fair book or downloaded from the fair’s web-site. Forms should be completed in their entirety and forwarded to the respective department chairman at the addresses supplied in the fair book or published on this web-site. Please take careful note of the entry-date deadlines for each respective department.
Non-Livestock exhibits can ALWAYS be entered on the designated exhibit registration day.
While not required, all other entries may be pre-registered using the blank entry forms supplied in the fair book or download forms from the fair web-site. Forms should be completed in their entirety and forwarded to:
Entries Chairman:
NADINE MERRY, 1738 Route 97, Waterford, PA 16441
On-line pre-registration is currently unavailable.
When exhibits are pre-registered, the entry is recorded in our entry database and an entry ticket for each entry is generated by our computer system. These entry tickets can be picked up at the registration table during exhibit registration, or, if there’s sufficient lead time, arrangements can be made to pick up the entry tickets prior to the designated exhibit registration day. Pre-registration of exhibits is available until the Saturday before Labor Day.